Say Hello To My Little Holiday Friend


And it’s not just any Monday….

To those who are about to cook, I salute you!


1/2 tsp whole cumin

1/2 tsp whole coriander

1/2 tsp whole fennel

4-6 cups water

Low boil in pan on stovetop for 5-10 minutes.

Strain into an insulated carafe and sip warm throughout the day especially after a meal.

This week marks the beginning of an intense season of cleaning, checking recipes, making lists, grocery shopping, figuring out where all those groceries are going to go, and finally baking/cooking.

Then the eating.

Food! Glorious food!

After that the digestive system does its earnest best to do its job!


Ever so SLOWLY.

The CCF Tea recipe above may just be a helpful answer for many of us. It’s an Ayurvedic/ Indian digestive helper. It tames post holiday or any overeating, change of routine food baby by helping reduce bloating, flatulence and inflammation that all that food and sugar may create. I swear by it for myself! YMMV. It’s so easy to prepare and tastes nice too. Try it and see if it helps you too!

By the way, I buy those whole spices in bulk at the Indian grocery. Then refill the glass bottles as needed. I go to Patel’s in Louisville. You get much more for your money this way. And they have very nice tea cookies, cardamom are my favorite!

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